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Why Professional Teeth Whitening is Superior to Over-the-Counter Products

Professional Teeth Whitening, Dr. Darj Dental

Have you ever wandered through a hardware store on a DIY mission, only to get home and realize that you’re in over your head? Or perhaps you successfully regrout the tiles in your bathroom, but your pride in a job well done is considerably tempered by a lot of frustration and exhaustion along the way.

While we applaud DIY projects of all kinds, there are many things that are best done by professionals, which is certainly true of teeth whitening.

Here at Dr. Darj Dental, we partner with our patients in El Paso, Texas, for great dental health. And the primary benefit of this partnership is that we set you up with the best foundation possible, and then leave the rest in your capable hands. Our professional teeth whitening services are a great example of this —  we give you the jumpstart you need, leaving you to maintain your great results.

There are many reasons why professional teeth whitening is superior to over-the-counter products, and we review a few of them here.

White teeth in an hour

If you’ve dutifully applied gels or strips to your teeth every night for weeks, you understand that the haul is a long one. While your teeth may come out the other end of this enormous effort a bit whiter than when you started, it certainly doesn’t stack up against the speed of our in-office whitening.

In just 45 minutes, we can whiten your teeth by up to eight shades thanks to a stronger, professional-grade gel and special light that activates the gel.

A custom fit

Even if you prefer a more gradual approach to whitening, our take-home whitening kits contain the strong gel you need, plus custom trays that fit snugly over your teeth. This means that you’re using tools that are designed for your teeth, rather than trying to get the slippery strips to conform to, and cover, all of your teeth.

This benefit is especially useful if you have crooked teeth. Over-the-counter whitening products work best on a perfect row of incredibly straight teeth. Unfortunately, many of us have teeth with their own, shall we say, unique characteristics. With our professional whitening trays, these “characteristics” are fully covered.

Better coverage

With our professional teeth whitening services, we ensure that all of your teeth are covered. Over-the-counter products slip out of place, offering uneven coverage, and the strips only cover the fronts of about six teeth. If you want to grin broadly with a smile full of evenly white teeth, professional whitening is the best way to get there.

No fuss, no muss

If you’ve used over-the-counter products, you know how messy they can be as you struggle to keep the strips from folding over before you get them on your teeth. Or if you’re using a gel, making sure that the product gets mostly on your teeth and not all over the bathroom sink presents another hurdle. And when you’re a one-person show and the mirror is your only guide, there’s likely to be more mess and fewer results.

With our teeth whitening, you sit back, relax, and let us do the work.

A sensitive issue

Because we’re dental specialists, we understand how teeth whitening can affect your gums or sensitive teeth, and we supply you with the tools you need to offset any sensitivity issues you may have.

During your teeth whitening, we make every effort to keep the gel on your teeth and not on your gums by placing guards over sensitive areas. With over-the-counter products, a fair amount of that bleaching gel is in contact with areas that should be protected.

While DIY is great, sometimes getting a professional to do the job right the first time is something you can really smile about. To get started on professionally whitened teeth, give us a call or use the online scheduling tool to set up an appointment.

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