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Laser Teeth Whitening – El Paso Dentist

One of the most popular dental procedures people choose to have is laser whitening. When being introduced to new people, our smiles, and therefore our teeth, are one of the first things people will notice about us. Don’t let stained or discolored teeth stand in your way of feeling confident and social. Instead, having your teeth laser whitened is the perfect solution to this common problem.

Over time our teeth become stained after coming in contact with food and drinks such as black coffee and tea, cranberry juice, soda or tomato sauce among other items. These stains can make your teeth look yellow and dingy, and will draw people’s attention away from what you are saying and focus on your mouth. Luckily, there is a simple and safe teeth whitening procedure that can eliminate these embarrassing stains.

This easy and affordable whitening procedure involves a laser and a whitening gel. First, the clear bleaching gel is applied to the teeth. After the gal has been put on the teeth a laser light is used to activate the gel’s crystals. Once these crystals have been activated they will absorb the energy from the laser and use it to penetrate the teeth’s enamel, whitening the teeth. The length of this procedure depends on the degree of teeth discoloration you have. The best part is that it normally takes only one procedure to have a visibly whiter smile!

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