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How to Save a Tooth That's Been Knocked Out

Avulsed teeth — more often called knocked-out teeth — are common dental emergencies. Nearly 5 million teeth are knocked out each year, and as many as 39% of these dental injuries are sports-related, according to the Journal of the American Dental Association. 

The good news is that — with swift action — your dentist may be able to re-implant your tooth. Quick treatment may allow Dr. Mehrnoosh Darj to save your tooth, and saving a tooth that’s been knocked out helps you avoid needing procedures such as a bridge or implant. That’s why the team at Dr. Darj Dental is happy to provide urgent care in our El Paso, Texas, office.

First, assess the tooth 

Saving a tooth may depend on what type of tooth got knocked out. Primary teeth (baby teeth) are typically not re-implanted. If your child has a baby tooth knocked out, it’s still important to see us, however. Depending on which tooth is knocked out, your child may benefit from a spacer.

If a permanent, adult tooth is knocked out, here are the steps you need to take to save your tooth.

Step 1: Rinse the tooth

If your knocked-out tooth is bloody or dirty, it’s important to rinse the tooth. To keep the tooth in good condition so Dr. Darj can re-implant it, avoid touching the roots. Only handle the crown or chewing surface of the tooth. You can rinse the tooth in tap water or milk. Do not scrub the tooth, and never soak the tooth in water.

Step 2: Keep the tooth moist

To improve the chances of a successful re-implantation, you need to keep the tooth’s roots moist. You can do this in a few ways:

Again, it’s important that you don’t soak the tooth in water. This can affect the cells in the tooth root and prevent successful re-implantation.

Step 3: Get dental care right away

Once your mouth is cleaned up and the tooth is securely protected, it’s best to try and receive dental care within 30 minutes of the accident. 

Safety first: If you or your child received other injuries (such as a head injury), it’s best to head to the nearest ER first.

Questions about urgent dental care?

Dr. Darj and our experienced team at Dr. Darj Dental offer urgent dental care as well as comprehensive dental care. From knocked-out teeth to routine cleanings, your oral health is our top priority.

If you need urgent dental care, call our office at 915-213-4097.

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